Here's a few charts that represent the sorry state of debate in the Indian media. Yes, I'm no expert in such matters. But, when any bitch with a microphone and a camera pointed at her feels qualified enough to point out why we need India-Pakistan talks, I might as well get my 2 paise in. After all, this post IS about precisely that.
If India was a sane country open to rational debate, with responsible media, people with an average IQ of 100, shrewd and realistic officials and a mature leadership/polity that has the country's best interests at heart, the breakup of our mindspace (and media time allocation) with respect to foreign policy would be as below:
However, India is a stupid nation with an average IQ of 80. Public debates (Elections, media, etc) have no logic. Our media is downright retarded (or appearing so to mirror the public with the objective of gaining eyeballs) and our leadership is not much better. We cannot defend ourselves from repeated attacks from terrorists proudly sponsored by our western neighbours for the past 20 years when the solution for it is so simple (beef up security, make the armed forces and police lucrative careers, provide adequate arms, ammunition and infrastructure to defend and attack, act upon perceived threats instead of hesitating just because the perpetrators belong to a particular minority community). India may be home to an unbroken civilization for the past 10,000 years. However, we display the maturity and excitability of a 2 year old that believes its mother can pop in and out of existence in seconds. We cannot defend ourselves even though our lives are at stake, focus on the trivial and neglect the pressing if it is not right in front of us. Much like the Indian media, which seems to be perfectly in sync with our mental state. Consequently, the breakup of our collective mindspace (and of media time allocation) is as below.
The Australian focus is because a few Punjabi "students" got beat up in Australia as they are staying in crime-infested areas, working at night and getting illegal wages paid in cash. This is a temporary spike and will die out sooner than an African kid born with aids.
A stabler long term examination of our mindspace over the past 60 years would yield a pie more like the chart below than the chart above.
The chart below represents the perception of India and Pakistan when viewed through the eyes of:
- Indian media
- Pakistan (General Public as well as the media)
- North India
- The U.S of A under Democrats
And the graph below shows the relative sizes of India and Pakistan through the eye sockets of:
- South India
- The U.S of A under Republicans
- Reality
C'est la vie!